January 18, 2017

The Dentler Family | At Home Session | Lakeland, FL


“Hey woman, how do I go about formally booking you for a family photo shoot? Because I’d like to do that :)” This is the text I received from Lauren on Dec. 6th and my soul did a back flip. Who doesn’t love cute little babies? Let me say I do love cute little babies so I was really excited about this shoot. Plus, it was an at home shoot, and at home family shoots are my jam. Everyone is always “in their element” when they’re at their own home. On top of that, Lauren and Justin made THE CUTEST nursery for little baby Aira. A mountainesque backdrop, a little teepee, tiny drawings of a cactus and tapestries? Yes, basically my dream nursery for my future daughter.

I’ve known Lauren for forever. I always thought she was really cool when I was growing up and that she was so much older than me. We laugh now because truth be told, back then she thought I was just “cuttle little Jenna Adams” and here we are, now friends. Lauren probably doesn’t remember this, but one time she gave me her hand-me-down clothes and I was so pumped because I thought they were so cool, ha! Back in early October, Lauren gave birth to sweet Aira Ray Dentler. Lauren and I meet with a group of girls from time to time and she would always tell us funny pregnancy stories and get excited when she could feel Aria moving. Needless to say, we were all super happy for Lauren and Justin the day Aira came into the world. This little nugget is so dang cute, too! She’s got adorable, chubby cheeks with full lips and the biggest blue eyes. Actually, she looks just like her dad! When she’s crying, Justin can pretty much make the same face as Aria and it’s hilarious.

Lauren and Justin– thank you so much for letting me get acquainted with your little bundle of joy and having me take your photos for your family. This is the first time I’ve gotten to take photos of a tiny baby and it was an amazing experience. You two are going to be the coolest and most fun parents and all of Aria’s friends are going to want to hang out at your house. I can’t wait to watch Aria grow into the beautiful young lady she is bound to become! For now, I hope you enjoy these photos! 🙂