July 13, 2018

The Laing Family


Here’s the story behind this Circle B maternity shoot: It’s Sunday June 17th – Father’s Day. I’m at my Gigi and Papa’s enjoying a Father’s Day lunch when I get a text from my dear friend Kaitlin asking if I was going to be in town the upcoming week. I told her I was assuming she was going to ask about a maternity shoot seeing as sweet little Ainsley was due to arrive super soon!

I was right! I told her I would be available Tuesday or Thursday after 5pm, her response? “Well here’s the thing, I’m already laboring so I’m not sure if I’ll make it to then.” WUT???? Yeah so we quickly arranged for a shoot to happen promptly the next morning. The craziest part? After our shoot later that day I get a text from Kaitlin that says “yeah I’m about to have this baby.” AND SHE DID. So that was definitely a first for me! Doing a maternity shoot on the same day the baby is born! This maternity shoot will forever go in the history books for Jenna Nicole Photography. Kaitlin was such a trooper that morning too. I mean if I was hours away from giving birth and had to do a photoshoot I would have A.) looked awful B.) been super cranky. Kaitlin was still smiling and simply glowing with a radiant joy for what was to come later that day.

Want to know something else special? Remember my maternity shoot for Jenna and Jacob at Sope Creek back in April? Jenna and Kaitlin are sisters and just two weeks before Ainsley was born, Jenna had Nora! So these two cousins are only 2 weeks apart! Yeah, they’re going to be BFF’s. Jenna and Kaitlin we need to do a cousins shoot with the girls someday please!

Anyways, here are a few favorites from our history making mini maternity shoot with Kaitlin, Drew and little Jonas (who has been promoted to big bro!) I’m so excited for Drew, Kaitlin and their growing family. Thanks for letting me share a small moment with you guys on the day your daughter was born! 🙂

Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography Laing Family | Circle B Maternity Shoot | Jenna Nicole Photography