

open post

It was the absolutely perfect spring evening at the beach! I first met up with Megan and Trevor in St. Pete, we walked around the area near Green Bench Brewing, but it was so crowded! I mean, the weather was perfect so it wasn’t all to surprising. We decided to bail on downtown St. Pete […]


Megan + Trevor

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Hello world, meet baby Leighton! Now in full transparency, we did this shoot February 1st so while miss Leighton is still a baby, she is certainly not a “newborn” anymore! *Palms forehead in embarrassment for how long it takes me to blog things.* Nevertheless, I wanted to blog this newborn session because the Grignon fam […]


Baby Leighton

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Rachel and Kyle’s wedding day was one of those days that reminded me why I love my job. If you asked me who my “ideal couple” was when I started photography I would’ve told you something about a couple who spent a lot of money on really pretty and cool things. Not so say having […]


Rachel + Kyle’s Wedding

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It was almost a year ago exactly when I was staying with my friend Maddie in Birmingham to photograph a wedding. She had told me about a company who curates styled shoots called The Shootout Society and had been saying that we should do one. During this visit Maddie told me about a shoot The […]


Bryce Canyon Portrait Session

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Rachel and Kyle’s love story is one of those that just play out right before your eyes. They’re a couple that when you see them together you 100% buy into their love for one another. What a match! This couple opted to have a short engagement season. Kyle popped the question in September and these […]


Rachel + Kyle