April 20, 2017

Brittany Page | Florida Southern College | Lakeland, FL


Everyone, meet Brittany (hi, Brittany). This story goes waaaay back because I’ve know Brittany since I was a kid! Our mom’s are friends and our dad’s use to both work together, so when we were little we would have “play dates” and family gatherings with one another. There were many days playing at Peterson and Dobbins park or swimming in Brittany’s pool. I’m pretty sure she was there when I busted my chin open at the park one time (good times). Brittany and I even went to high school together! Needless to say, we go way back. Despite our history, it had been a few years since I’d last seen Brittany, so it was really awesome getting to meet up for this shoot and see her again!

We decided to take photos at Brittany’s soon to be alma mater, Florida Southern College. Although, Brittany did confess to be she rarely explores the beautiful campus outside of the nursing building. As you can see in one of the images below, how could Brittany have time to explore when she’s up to her ears in her studies! She is a diligent nursing student and is very excited to become an RN. I’ve always known Brittany to be a hardworking student, so I can imagine she’s been slaying nursing school and is going to be an excellent nurse! I’d trust her to tell me what’s up with my health. We had a great time catching up. We talked about school, what we’ve been up to, boyfriends and dating, you know, the usual stuff. I forgot how hilarious Brittany is, seriously I was laughing so much at some of the “off the cuff” things she was saying.

The following is some of my favorites from our senior portraits session and time together. She rocked the shoot from her scrubs to her super cute navy, floral romper. Congratulations Brittany on your impending graduation! I’m excited for what’s in store for your future!