July 17, 2017

Dyke-Trimble Family | Sand Key Beach | Clearwater, FL


Everyone meet the Dyke-Trimble family! Back in April Jenna (the pretty one in the middle with the dark blue top) one of the newer members to the family asked if I would photograph the party of eight in July. You probably recognize Jenna and her hubby Jacob and that’s because I took their engagement photos and wedding photos! I was excited for the opportunity to see my friends again and this time get the chance to photograph Jacob’s side of the family.

The Dykes and the Trimbles are a beautiful blended family. It was so cool to see how these two family’s have come together to form one giant happy one. Everyone gets along so well too! The boys and Jenna all act like they’ve been siblings their whole lives, it was a special thing to photograph. I was thinking the family was down in Lakeland and was worried they would get caught in the crazy 4th of July beach traffic, but to my surprise they were all down from their homes in Georgia on vacation! Clearwater Beach is definitely a lively and fun place to have your vacation. The beach is pretty and there are an endless amount of things to do within Clearwater. I thought it was awesome they made time during their vacation to have me photograph their family. Thankfully Sand Key Beach wasn’t as packed as its nearby neighbor and we ended up having the best weather! It had monsooned before our shoot and was even raining on the way over from Lakeland. The clouds cleared just in time for us to have perfect lighting and a spectacular sunset. I must say, there is nothing like catching a sunset on the beach in Florida. Especially in the summertime, I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the sunsets are extra epic during the summer!

Everyone kicked their shoes off and enjoyed laughing together, walking down the beach and even sitting on some really cool (but sharp and pointy) rocks! This shoot was definitely one for the books and the Dyke-Trimble family is probably one of my most favorites I have photographed. Here are some highlights from our beachside shoot!