September 12, 2018

Blackwood Wedding


The Blackwood wedding, was a special wedding. Why? Because the bride is so very near and dear to my heart. I first met the whole Rodgers fam, I don’t know back in middle school? (Which mind you was a very long time ago). And if I’m not mistaken Amanda was still in the children’s ministry when they came to our church. When I was in high school and college Amanda was just a lil kiddo youth grouper and I loved her… and still do of course! I’ve had the pleasure of having Amanda be in different family groups of mine, help lead a group at camp with me and really just watch her blossom into this beautiful young woman who is now MARRIED! So when Alex and Amanda got engaged, I may or may not have made it my mission to shoot their wedding. When she got engaged, I was also engaged and so was her now sis-in-law and my dear friend Bailey. We all went to the Magic Kingdom for Bailey’s bachelorette weekend and I may have sort of pitched a few times the idea of me shooting her wedding… lol I know I’m a weirdo.

Anyways, the only reason I wanted to photograph Amanda and Alex’s special day so bad was because of how much I care for Amanda! And it truly was such a treasure for my soul to be able to watch her wedding day unfold right before my camera lens and get to witness so many sweet moments. Not to only brag on Amanda, Alex is a pretty great dude too! Perhaps one of my favorite moments of their wedding day was his HUGE smile he had on his face and the tears that began welling up in his eyes upon seeing his bride for the first time that day (you’ll see the pics). I’m always a fan of tears on wedding days, and always rooting for a straight up cryfest from the groom when his bride walks down the aisle. So thank you Alex for making my dreams come true.

When meeting with Amanda and her mom, Carrie they were very upfront about how important the ceremony was to them. They wanted to be sure that moment was captured so that it could never be forgotten. I loved that! For me personally, the ceremony was actually my most favorite part of my wedding day. Sure I boo-hooed all the way down the aisle (mostly out of a nervous fear of all the eyeballs that were staring at me), but once I made it up there, the crowd disappeared and it was just Ryan, Monty and me. The Blackwood wedding ceremony was so special too! A perfect mix of traditional and special unique things tailored to the couple. Monty did a great job officiating, I always love hearing my pastor do a wedding! 🙂

The ceremony was so sweet, and the party after was SO FUN! Lakelanders, if you’re tying the knot here in town I highly suggest hiring Chris Grainger of Graingertainment as your reception party guide for the evening. Chris picked the perfect playlist to keep the party going until Alex and Amanda exited through a sea of bubbles. However, what set this party above so may others? GIANT GLOWSTICKS. When I saw Carrie parading through the crowd of people with these giant, glowing foam sticks I was like “YES! Now that’s what I’m talking about!” So much fun guys! Who says you can’t work and have fun at the same time?! Anyways, enough from me– enjoy this snapshot of the Blackwood wedding!