January 6, 2019

Bournigal / Jackson Wedding


Hi there, it’s me! It’s been a minute since I last posted on the ole blog here. However, it’s a new year which means new resolutions (which lets be real, we’ll abandon by Valentine’s Day lol), but this year I truly am going to try to blog more! The funny thing is, I use to rock at posting to my blog. I even created my blogs in a really silly, inconvenient way that took way more time than what I currently do now. So… it really doesn’t make sense that I suck at posting now, but in 2019 I’m going to try to be better! I have three weddings I’m excited to blog within the coming months (with weddings in queue to shoot at the start of this year too!)

Today’s post is all about lovely Morgan and Raffi and their wonderful wedding day! I don’t know if you remember the engagement shoot I did of these two cuties, it involved lil baseball lovin’ right at the end… it was sweet! I left that shoot so excited to photograph Morgan and Raffi’s wedding and 2018. Let me just say, it lived up to the hype. If you don’t have the pleasure of knowing these two then I truly am sorry. They are simply one of the most jolly and in-love couples I’ve had the pleasure of working with. 🙂

Their wedding day included lots of sweet giggles, fun time with family, a solid bridal party crew, and an EPIC dance party put on by my pal Chris from Graingertainment. When I say epic, I mean epic even my second shooter and I couldn’t help joining in on the dancing action! Little tip for you future brides: I LOVE a good dance party. In fact photographing dancing at a reception is one of my most favorite parts of the day to photograph… be a part of… and then edit later. 🙂

Honestly, I could go on about how great this wedding was, buttt I think the photos can get the point across about how special this day was and how freakin’ cute these newly weds are. So with out further delay– here’s Mr. + Mrs. Bournigal!